HAODS Costumes

HAODS Production of The Rivals - All Costumes made by our wonderful costumes department by hand.

Tim Shepherd as Jud in Oklahoma
Most people are unaware of the vast array of costumes and complementary accessories that form the basis of our Wardrobe Department in HAODS House. Over the years we have been able to accommodate most of what is required for our productions from our in-house stock.

HAODS Consistently high standards in costuming
Whether there's a call for an "Eastern Princess", a "1920's Flapper" or a "Cowboy", our wardrobe team can usually locate and provide all the necessary requisites in a number of combination colours and sizes. On the rare occasion they are unable to put together what is needed, they have a number of external resources at their fingertips.
HAODS' wardrobe has grown dramatically since its early beginnings and today much of it has to be religiously catalogued as each production set of costumes is added to our list... Because of the attention to detail within our costume records, HAODS is able to offer private hire at very competitive rates. Hundreds of costumes, hats and accessories are available from many of our recent productions, plus a huge range of period costumes and gowns.
Details can be obtained from the HAODS Wardrobe team - email: costumes@haods.co.uk.
Alternatively you could download and complete our costume hire form and forward it to HAODS House, we'll then contact you. Costume hire form (PDF)