Trial By Jury
(in double bill with HMS
Chairman's Chat
by Ray Fisher
It is 5 and a half years since we last did a G&S show – The Mikado – so we thought it was time we did another!
Once again we have many new Haodians on the stage and I am pleased to report that our membership is still growing. This show has the Producer and Musical Director new to the Capitol Theatre and both from within the Society; I know they have both had a few challenging moments but I also know that they will bring you a show to enjoy.
This is HAODS first double bill and has produced some unique problems, all of which will have been overcome by the time you read this! We believe that this show will bring new people to se HAODS – if you have not seen one of our shows before, I hope you will enjoy your HAODS experience and that it will be the first of many!
As you will see elsewhere in this programme, our next show in the autumn is Jesus Christ Superstar. We were delighted to be given the opportunity to do this exceptional musical and once again it will be something very different for HAODS.
If the wide range of our productions appeals to you and you would like to e involved with us in some way or other please have a look at our website, or contact Howard Collis, our Membership Secretary, on 01403 241240. You will find us a very happy group.
I look forward to seeing you here again in November.
The Story
The court assembles for the sad case of Edwin, sued by Angelina for breach of promise of marriage. The usher urges the jurymen to be impartial; but when Edwin states his case, saying that he has fallen in love with someone else, the jury is unconvinced. The learned judge hurries in, mistakenly believing this to be a murder trial. He explains to the court the rather dubious route that led him to become a judge. Angelina then arrives with her family, pathetically still wearing her wedding dress. She confides that she is really after Edwin’s money but the court is completely taken in by her theatrical declarations of love. Led by her crafty counsel, Angelina literally throws herself on the mercy of the foreman and then the judge. Edwin tries hard to extricate himself by first suggesting a compromise, that he will marry both Angelina and his new love, and then saying that Angelina is lucky to be rid of him as he is violent when drunk. But this only leads to more objections. In a hurry to get away, the judge suggests one final solution, that he will marry Angelina himself. She immediately agrees and the whole crowd rejoices in the happy outcome to this very strange case.
West Sussex County Times
Tackling one opera proves challenging for most amateur dramatic groups, so bringing two to the stage could be seen as impossible. Not so for Horsham Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (HAODS). This week (including today and tomorrow) HAODS is performing a double bill of Gilbert and Sullivan operas – Trial By Jury and HMS Pinafore.
Trial by Jury is a 30-minute opera, which doesn’t give the actors much chance to flesh out their characters. But with the help of the wardrobe mistresses and set designers the opera came to life very quickly.
A cast of around 30 are on stage the majority of the time and the ensemble pieces showed the strengths of the group as a whole. Siobhan McMahon who plays Angelina has an incredible voice and belongs on the stage.
Unfortunately, maybe because of how it was originally written, the story was lost on me quite quickly. After a 15-minute interval, the curtains came up to reveal a totally changed set, where it seemed not one detail had been overlooked. Huge choral pieces, dancing – and some more very talented singers – made for a fairly enjoyable performance.
From the comments made after the show (and during by a few members of the audience) it seemed everyone had given HAODS a thumbs up once again.
However, I’m not entirely convinced G&S has a place in 21st century theatre – but I’m ready to be proved wrong.
Lisa Merry – West Sussex County Times
NODA Review
I must be softening in my old age as once again, despite not being a fan of G&S in general, I find myself strangely enjoying it when it is done well. So HAODS must have got something right with Stephen Gadd’s take on ‘Trial by Jury’ as it had me chuckling aloud throughout. There were some particularly strong performances from Kevin Summers (Edwin), Siobhan McMahon (Angelina) and Howard Collis, the hilarious court usher. Equally enjoyable, Juliet Sumner’s ‘HMS Pinafore’ used many of the same cast to great effect and produced wonderfully funny performances from Philip Chadwell (Sir Joseph) and Stephen Gadd (Captain Corchoran – my goodness he gets around!). The orchestra for both shows was Mags Fisher who injected new life and energy into the very tired and tested scores to give a lift to and complement the energy and gusto of those on stage. It is nice to see an operatic society play to their strengths and choose a show which uses the very strong and numerous vocal talents of their membership, rather than tackling the kind of contemporary rock operas which could alienate their target audience. The large chorus complemented the principal players valiantly and added that special spark which only seems to come when G&S is done justice.
Cast - In Order of Appearance
The Learned Judge |
~ |
Mr Gardner |
Edwin, the defendant |
~ |
Mr Summers |
His new love |
~ |
Miss Crunden |
Angelina, the plaintiff |
~ |
Mrs McMahon |
Her Mama |
~ |
Mrs Chadwell |
Her younger brother |
~ |
Master Nicholas Chadwell |
Counsel |
~ |
Mr Hooker |
His junior Clerk |
~ |
Master Oliver Gadd |
Usher |
~ |
Mr Collis |
Foreman |
~ |
Mr Bellord |
Dancing Ladies |
~ |
Mrs Shapley |
~ |
Mrs Shepherd |
~ |
Miss Blaskett |
~ |
Miss Farrant |
Ladies from the W.I. |
~ |
Mesdames Brindle, Bussey, Douglas, Hampton, O’Sullivan, Shanks and Wellcome |
Gentlemen of the Jury |
~ |
Messrs Addy, Chadwell, Gadd, Hampton, Jennings, MacDonald, Mitcham, Mittaz, Oxley and Shepherd |
Production Crew
Production Team |
Director |
~ Stephen Gadd |
Musical Director |
~ Mags Fisher |
Production Manager |
~ Philip Chadwell |
Stage Manager |
~ Tim Lawrence |
Lighting Operator |
~ Tim Lawrence |
Sound Operator |
~ Steve McEnvoy |
Follow Spot |
~ Tim Ayres |
~ James Simmonds |
Costumes |
~ Esther Betts |
~ Barbara Gumbrill |
~ Pat Collins |
Properties Manager |
~ Steff Dance |
Rehearsal Pianist |
~ Iris Holmes |
Box Office Manager |
~ David Sumner |
Publicity and Programme |
~ Mary Lejeune |
Photographs |
~ Ray Fisher |
Stage Crew |
Tony Francis |
Duncan Morton |
Dave Fuller |
Peter Shapley |
Properties Crew |
Sheryl Hil |
Gus Fryatt |
Alix Chadwell |
Andrew Shepherd |
Green Room Steward |
Carrie Collis |