The Boyfriend

the boyfriend

Showed Tuesday 15th – Saturday 19th April 2008

The Story
Musical Numbers
Cast List

Show poster

The Story

Photo of Polly with the boyfriend

Madame Dubonnet's finishing school, near Nice, could exist only in musical comedy. The charming young pupils burst into song at the least provocation, and forbidden boy friends are forever popping through the French windows to make up the numbers. Polly Browne is too rich to be allowed a boy friend. Tony, for whom she falls, turns out to be the Hon. Tony Brockhurst, which is very lucky, because Polly thought he was just a delivery boy. Written in the fifties as "a new musical of the twenties", this is still the most successful, tuneful and witty of the send-up musicals, which ape the style of earlier, lighter-hearted and more disarming days.

Musical numbers

Photo of everyone dancing

Perfect Young LadiesPhoto of Howard and Charlotte signing "Never to Late to fall in Love"
The Boy Friend
Won't You Charleston?
Fancy Forgetting
I could be Happy with You.
Sur La Plage
A Room in Bloomsbury
It's Nicer in NiceThe "You-don't-want-to-play-with-me" Blues
Safety In Numbers
The Riviera
It's Never Too Late to Fall in Love
Poor Little Pierrette


Cast list

Lady Brockhurst
Jean Salmon

Photo of Jean

Lord Brockhurst
Howard Collis

Photo of Howard

Percival Brown
Adrian Taylor

Photo of Adrian

Madame Dubonnet
Judi Weaver

Photo of Judi

Alison Shapley

Photo of Alison

Polly Brown
Rachel Farrant

Photo of Rachel

Tony Brockhurst
Oliver Rolle

Photo of Oliver

Roz Hall

Photo of Roz

Kevin Summers

Photo of Kevin

Charlotte Taylor

Photo of Charlotte

Gregor Thomson

Photo of Gregor

Frances Douglas

Photo of Frances

Chris Hampton

Photo of Chris

Amy Parker

Photo of Amy

Gus Fryatt

Waiter, Policeman & bit parts
Chris Mul


Alix Chadwell, Amy Blaskett, Becca Attfield, Elesa Bussey
Libby Spencer, Loraine Taylor, Ruth Bristow, Sarah Taylor


Photo of the Ladies striking a pose
Jan Critchley, Jane O’Sullivan, Lynne Andrews, Yvonne Chadwell


Paul Smith, Peter Bellord, Philip Chadwell, Vernon Jennings