Show Review Sub-Committee

Contact us

Please let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for shows or if you would like to submit a review of a show you have recently seen. Our email address is

Purpose of Show Review Sub-Committee

HAODS Show Review Committee consists of volunteer members appointed by the Main Committee. Normally Six to Eight Members are needed to ensure a broad base of knowledge and views for each show reviewed. This Committee is responsible for reviewing potential shows for the HAODS members to perform whilst maintaining a database on each show reviewed.

The committee works from the following show selection criteria to ensure the best interests of the membership and HAODS are taken in to consideration:

  1. Is the proposed show available?
  2. Has the show been done recently in the local area?
  3. Can we cast it?
  4. Does it make optimum use of the members of the society?
  5. Can we put together an enthusiastic production team?
  6. Is it box office?
  7. Does it provide the society with a challenge?
  8. Budget/Business Plan

Please see the full breakdown of these categories below.

The show review team compile a shortlist of shows which are submitted to the Main Committee for consideration.

It is the duty of the Main Committee to review the shows recommended by the Show Review sub committee and they produce a further shortlist for voting on by the Societies members at an appropriate EGM.

The Show Review Sub-Committee meets as required, but between three and five times a year to ensure the Main Committee is supplied appropriate shows for their appraisal.

Mission Statement

The HAODS Show Review Committee has been formed to provide an effective and positive reviewing process to assist the HAODS Main Committee and HAODS Membership in choosing future shows for the society to perform. Using the experience, knowledge and hard work of the show review team we will provide a selection of shows to choose from at the appropriate time each year and maintain a database of our work. The Show review team will at all times follows the established show selection criteria and maintains consideration of the society’s constitution.

HAODS Show Selection Criteria (PDF)

The Current Show Review Sub-Committee


Jackie Shepherd

Committee Members

Matt Parker


Natalie Oliver


Tom Hounsham


Rebecca Attfield


Martin Bracewell


Chris Dale